August 23, 2015

Tractors and Trials

I wanted to share a story about an experience I had at the beginning of this summer. I've been thinking about it a lot lately, and I think it has a great tie-in into a spiritual realization I've received.
                At my home, we have a very large amount of grass that needs to be mowed every weekend during the summer. Because there is so much lawn, we have a  John Deere riding lawn mower that we use in order to cut down on mowing time (so we don't have to spend the ENTIRE day mowing!). Running down the middle-ish of all the different lawn sections runs a ditch that is home to Blue Creek during the rainy months of the year, otherwise it is dry as dirt in the summer.
                It was the middle of May, and I was just following my typical pattern of mowing the lawn. I got to the backyard portion of the lawns and started going along a strip of grass about 9 feet wide that is between the side of the house and the creek ditch. While I was mowing, I decided that I could get a closer mow right along the edge of the creek. Normally I would avoid this area but I was confident I could make the lawn look really nice right by the creek. I started mowing along with the left side of the mower on the ditch side.
                Right when I was nearing the end of the grass strip, I came to a dip in the ground. It isn't a significantly steep dip, but with the mower, it could make the mower roll right into the ditch. Well, that is EXACTLY what happened. I got dizzy for a second (due to some health issues), and in that moment I came to the dip and lost control of the mower. I tried pulling back on the steering controls but only ended up turning the mower a little bit since the wheels were rolling right into the ditch. Next thing I know, the mower is facing the opposite direction and is upside down on top of me in the ditch, smoking because it was still running. I manage to reach back and find the key to turn off the machine and was able to wiggle free out from underneath the mower.
                Now, here is the miracle of the story: I was not wearing the seat belt. I had forgotten that there was a seat belt on the mower just for situations like this one. I did not have the seat belt on, so I should have been severely injured by having this massive and heavy tractor roll on top of me. BUT I WASN'T, because of the roll-bar. On the back of John Deere's mowers they have what is called a roll-bar, designed specifically for what the name implies...when the mower is rolled. Earlier I had been mowing along in the backyard and this roll-bar kept catching on low-hanging branches or hitting tree trunks when I would be mowing close to the base. I had been thinking how annoying the roll-bar and was even considering putting the bar down while I mowed so I didn't have to worry about it getting caught on more trees.
                Thankfully  I decided not to do so. I avoided a trip to the hospital because I kept the roll-bar on the mower. When I rolled, that bar is the only thing that kept the mower from rolling on top of me completely and crushing me underneath. Without the seat belt, the steering controls kept me in on the seat, which was a blessing in itself. But, the roll-bar was the ultimate blessing. Now I don't ever mow the lawn without having that roll-bar attached and up. I also avoid dips, ditches, and close edges!
Now, how does this story relate to us in a spiritual sense? Well, let me fill you in on the thoughts I've had floating around in my head!
In the story, I was going about doing what I needed to in the normal way that I do. I was doing what I was supposed to be doing. Then, I decided to do something I normally avoided. I let my guard down. When I was still doing something I shouldn't have, I lost control. Because I wasn't in the right place at the right time, I risked potentially serious harm. Add onto this scenario that I wasn't protecting myself with the seat belt provided to help me in case of an emergency. I hadn't taken all of the necessary precautions. Luckily, I had done one thing right: I kept the roll-bar on the mower.
Comparing this experience to your life, how does it relate? Do you do what you know you should be doing? And while going about your daily activities, how often do you let your guard down, lack judgement, or loosen your hold of personal values? This is important to be watchful for, because as soon as you let down your guard, it is SO easy to lose control. It does not matter how strong you think you are, how good you are at doing what you should be doing; if you are doing something you know you shouldn't, you lose the power to control what happens. Lastly, do you take the necessary precautions to protect yourself against the occasional lapses in judgement we all as mere humans experience? If scriptures and prayer are ways you are spiritually uplifted, do you consistently engage in the study of those scriptures and communicate with your Heavenly Father? What about other ways you personally worship and experience spiritual enlightenment; do you hold yourself to a consistent standard in those ways as well? Only through consistency are we able to remain spiritually strong. We cannot rely on simply ourselves in order to get through challenges, we need the help of someone greater and stronger than we can imagine in order to make it through.
Lucky for us, we have a spiritual roll-bar of sorts: our Heavenly Father. Even when everything is out of sorts and chaotic, He is ALWAYS there to support you and help save you from yourself. Just like in the story where the roll-bar protected me when I hadn't fully protected myself, God is there to do the same for you in every-day life. Of course He expects you to do all that you can do, but when you fall short, He is there. His plan does not always involve saving you in the ways you expect or want him to, but his plan is perfect and He will only do what is best for you.

Please, NEVER forget the value of having a personal roll-bar in your life. Because I had a physical roll-bar in my accident, I was spared having to be hospitalized. Heavenly Father, your personal roll-bar, wants to help you and be there, but He can only do that if you do not decide to ignore how important a role He really does play in your life. If you do not believe He has a role, I sincerely hope you can come to the same realization that I have of how much He loves you and desires to be a part of your life and save you when you experience many of life's rollovers and accidents.  

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