September 21, 2014

Happy Sunday!

     I hope everyone is having a great weekend! Today, I got the chance to go to the Ogden Temple dedication. I couldn't go to the actual dedication but what happened was the live dedication was streamed to the LDS Institute building next door, so I was able to go to that. In order to go, I had to get a yellow temple dedication ticket, which involved showing a current recommend to a bishopric member. The only way you could get into the church was if you had your ticket and showed one of the men at the one of the 2 open doors, everything else was locked. The reason that you had to have a ticket and only were able to go in through certain doors is that since the dedication was being streamed to the institute then the building was an extension of the temple. It was a great experience! The temple matron and president both spoke, along with 3 other general authorities, and then President Monson spoke and gave the dedicatory prayer. After that, there was the Hosanna Shout, which is done at every dedication and you have to have a white handkerchief for it as well. I've never been to a temple dedication before, so this was a really awesome experience for me :) If you ever have the opportunity to go to a temple dedication or an open house, GO! I have never been to an open house, so that is next on my bucket list :) If you want to see what temples are in the building process and how far they are along in construction, you should check out this link to see all of the temples in progress, their locations, and they also have pictures showing what they will look like, which is pretty cool, too. Anyways, happy Sunday, and I hope ya'll have a great rest of your weekend :)


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